Class Room GATE Courses

GATE – Class Room Courses

( Especially for ECE, EEE, INST, Mechanical, CSE, Civil, BME, DSAI & Production Streams ) 


 Weekend Class Room Courses

GATE 2026 – Weekend – Class Room Course

New Batch DatesBatch TimingsFee Enroll
15th MAR 25
22nd MAR 25
23rd MAR 25
29th MAR 25
30th MAR 25
Public Holidays
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
Rs. 70,000 + GSTAdmissions
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

GATE + PSUs + ESE 2025 – Weekend – Class Room Course

Batch Dates
(For All Streams)
Batch TimingsFee Enroll
14th DEC'24

15th DEC'24

21st DEC'24

22nd DEC'24

28th DEC'24

29th DEC'24



Public Holidays

9.30 am to 6.30 pm
Rs. 98,500
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

GATE + PSUs + ESE 2026 – Weekend – Class Room Course

Batch Dates
(For All Streams)
Batch TimingsFeeEnroll
15th MAR 25
22nd MAR 25
23rd MAR 25
29th MAR 25
30th MAR 25
Public Holidays
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
Rs. 98,500 + GST
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

Regular Class Room Courses

GATE 2025 – Regular – Class Room Course

Batch DatesPhysical Class Room Coaching Fee Enroll
27th MAR 25
2nd APR 25
9th APR 25
16th APR 25
23rd APR 25
6 Days - Class
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
( Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon )

1 Day - Holiday
Rs. 70,000 + GST
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

GATE 2026 – Regular – Class Room Course

Batch DatesBatch TimingsFee Enroll
15th MAR 25
22nd MAR 25
23rd MAR 25
27th MAR 25
29th MAR 25
30th MAR 25
4 Days - Class
(Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun)
9.30 am to 6.30 pm

1 Day - Holiday

2 Days - Practice & Tests
(Tue & Wed)
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
Rs. 70,000 + GST

Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

GATE + PSUs + ESE 2025 – Regular – Class Room Course

Batch Dates
(For All Streams)
Batch TimingsFeeEnroll
15th MAR 25
22nd MAR 25
23rd MAR 25
27th MAR 25
29th MAR 25
30th MAR 25
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
4 Days - Class
(Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun)

2 Days - Holidays
(Mon & Tue)

1 Day - Mock Tests
Rs. 98,500 + GST
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.

GATE + PSUs + ESE 2026 – Regular – Class Room Course

Batch Dates
(For All Streams)
Batch TimingsFeeEnroll
15th MAR 25
22nd MAR 25
23rd MAR 25
27th MAR 25
29th MAR 25
30th MAR 25
9.30 am to 6.30 pm
4 Days - Class
(Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun)

2 Days - Holidays
(Mon & Tue)

1 Day - Mock Tests
Rs. 98,500 + GST
Enroll Now

Students can reserve the seat well in advance for any New Batch, by completing the Admission.